Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bambino's East Coast Pizzeria: The Place to Be

Stepping into Bambino's was a breath of fresh air, especially considering the bleakly decorated Zeek's less than a block away. Sexy jazz was playing and the decor was quite gorgeous. The walls were made of old red bricks and as you walked through the door an inviting chandelier hung above you. The tables were made of old hardwood as were the innovative stools. A large pizza oven was behind a bar, clearly seen from the dining room. Mmm. What a place to be eating the best food on the planet.
As the pizza is delivered to our table, my mouth begins to water. Let me put it this way, if the pizza was a woman, I would be trying to get on. It's rustic crust and lightly browned cheese complemented the slightly chunky, melt in you mouth sauce that tasted fresher than any other pizza place in Seattle. Speaking of fresh, there were seven or eight plants of fresh basil in the window sills that made me want to dance. The basil, which had been picked fresh, complemented the cheese, which tasted fresh, which complemented the sauce, which, as I said, tasted fresh. Even the Parmesan cheese looked freshly grated. Bambino's is proof that fresh is best.
The crust of this pizza is to die for. It's crisp, flaky exterior as well as it's not overly soft interior made me feel like I had found what pizza was meant to be.
Another big plus was the service and price. The large pizza was done within seven or eight minutes and cost a total of $15.87. The woman who served us was up-beat, smiling, and made me feel at home.
Bianca, the specialty pizza we ordered, is a olive oil based pizza with ricotta lumps and mozzarella. The ricotta was slightly browned on the top, but as I took my first bite I was a little disappointed. It was bland. I seasoned with salt and a fair amount of pepper, and, as expected, the Bianca held its own to the margarita.
As far as being satisfied, I think you already know. Heck, I'll tell you anyway. I was. I had three pieces and felt like little kid who had just opened the Playmobil big castle. I give Bambino's four and a half stars. Am I crazy? Maybe so.

401 Cedar Street
Seattle WA 98121

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