Friday, May 28, 2010

Elliot Bay Pizza Reviewed By Mary Toppins

Walking into Elliot Bay pizza was like walking back into the everything bad about the 90's, everything was grey the lighting made everything look flat and there were pictures of the kingdome on the wall. I just about lost my appetite right as I walked in. I looked at my fellow pizza reviewers and they were thinking the same thing I was this place was going to be gross. We ordered a half cheese half Bell Town which had mushrooms and Bell Peppers on it. When the pizza was served and placed on our table it was like the waiters pooped on right in front of us. This pizza did not smell good. It was super greasy and as I took a bite the thing did not want to hold together. Maybe it was because of the watery sauce beneath the burnt cheese. And that was only the cheese half, the Bell Town half was a disgrace to a Seattle neighborhood. It was all of the cheese pizza plus dried out vegetables on top. This was the only pizza that Quentin, Winston and I could not finish, this pizza did not deserve to be in our stomachs.

I give this place one sad lonely star

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