Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Disgust at Elliot Bay Pizza Co.

Mary Toppins will tell you about the terrible pizza at this joint, but I snapped a few shots to let you visualize, and to let you feel our pain.

Hope you like that nauseous feeling, cause it's a'comin.

Mary Toppins expresses himself on a dried out, piece of shit mushroom

The soft, almost uncooked underside of a slice of gross-ass cheese

I don't even remember the KingDome. I'm so very glad the kind folks at Elliot Bay Pizza Co. could remind me.

No, no, no, please god no!
This is the place folks. A place where the dough is undercooked and the toppings are overcooked. A place where neither you, nor anyone you know should ever venture inside of.

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