Friday, June 11, 2010

Pizza Professionals

Before heading to a Sounders game, I felt like a slice of pizza. Unfortionatley, pizza in Pioneer Square, in my expieriance, is pretty awful. I walk by a poppin pizza parlor that may have been the busiest joint in all of the square. The pizza looked fresh, so I thought to myself, "why not?"
Oh what a mistake that was. The crust was overdone, the underside underdone. The sauce was lacking, and what I tasted of it reminded me too much of Red Baron frozen pizza. The cheese was low quality, and tasted frozen. The pepperoni was soft, the mushrooms looked dried out, oh gosh, was this going to be another Elliot Bay? In all honesty, it tasted like a slightly fresher, hotter version of what you get out of your oven after popping in a frozen pizza. Oh goodness, I almost forgot the grease. Very ugly pizza. Disappointment set in.
The decor was confused. The downstairs had red bricks, not like Bambino's, older and more, gross-looking. The pictures that lined the walls were strange, I think I saw a candle stand, and there were strange, outdated pizza posters up. The upstairs made my father think of where Mafioso's would hang out if they were around in Seattle, full of antic furniture and hardwood floors. Not something you would expect from a pizza parlor.
I thought at first I would give the pizza two stars, but since I was hungrier than a Hungry Hungry Hippo, I give it 1.5.

Heres a picture. If that makes you hungry you should get yourself checked out.

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