Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I Be Born

Meet the Pizzas:

Quentin Taranpizza: Loves pizza, eats animals, kills germs

Mary Toppins: Doesn't use utensils just has an umbrella

Winston Cheesehill: Fancy shoes, hip-hop

Welcome to Pizza Time. You have just come across the best thing the internet has to offer. Here at Pizza Time we will attempt to write a review of every single pizza parlor, joint and restaurant in Seattle. We will be going by this list of pizza parlors. We Will order a slice of their cheese and one specialty, suggested by an employee,
consume, and grade on three categories:

Taste: Does the pizza taste good? Am I satisfied after eating? Do I want more slices?

Appearance: Is it an attractive slice? Is the plate attractive or creative?

Overall Experience: Did I have a good time? Do I want to go back? Was the service superb?

To some up our experience we'll give the parlor a rating out of 5 golden stars.

Follow us if you want to live.

Toodles World

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